The project originated with a review and potential remodel of the site’s existing home, which exposed a number of structural issues. After the Tubbs fire partially destroyed the structure, the decision was made to start anew. The new 4,100-square-foot structure, designed by the award-winning design firm Mork-Ulnes, is distinctly contemporary and composed primarily of concrete and glass. The long rectilinear form, which incorporates expansive second-story decks cantilevered out over a smaller ground-floor footprint, is rooted in traditional Norwegian design.

The concrete decks along the two long facades presented a unique challenge, with the cantilever achieved by using post-tension concrete construction on the upper floor. The team was able to maintain a minimal ⅛-inch variance across the deck’s 89-foot span, a feat almost unheard of in concrete construction. Incorporating structural steel within the thin concrete frame presented another unique challenge.

Precise finish carpentry on the interior included wood finishes placed flush with concrete, requiring extremely tight tolerances. Doors and windows, recessed into concrete on four sides, required door jambs to be assembled within finished openings. Wood-lined ceilings are meticulously matched as they waterfall down the interior walls, and can lights are placed to align with the seams – a process that required close alignment of sub-contractors and onsite decision-making.